In exploitative footage that is shocking even by Isil’s standards, Isa
Dare, whose mum, Grace Khadija Dare is a convert to Islam who has
sworn allegiance to the jihadist group,
is seen pressing a button on what appears to be a remote control device
seconds before a car containing four alleged “spies” goes up in a ball
of flames.
Wearing a black Isil
headband and military-style fatigues, the boy announced to the camera
beforehand that “we are going to kill the kuffars (non-believers) over
there”. He is then seen standing beside the car’s burnt-out remains,
triumphantly punching the air and shouting: "Allahu akbar"
The men inside the car, wearing handcuffs and orange jumpsuits,
confessed their crimes to the camera and appear resigned to their fates
before the vehicle explodes.
the latest video, believed to have been shot in Raqqa, Syria, he is
accompanied by a masked man who issues a threat to David Cameron
for arming groups in Syria who are fighting the jihadists.
"You will never fight us except behind fortified fortresses or behind walls,” says the man, speaking in an English accent.
"So no David Cameron….you’ve only done two things. Firstly, when you sent your spies to Syria and when
you authorised for your men, thousands of miles away, to push a button
to kill our brothers who lived in the West.
"So today, we’re going to kill your spies the same way they helped you kill our brothers.
"So prepare your army and gather your nations as we too are preparing our army"
News source: The Telegraph
Photo credit: Terror Monitor